Few days ago, makngah and i went to hospital to see o&g expert, dr y. (its an appointment aatually, fixed by the doctor from the same hospital before makngah was discharged).
when makngah enter the room, she asked makngah to lie on bed and then she run ultrasound scan on makngah. the result of the scan as per conversation below:
doc : nampaknya sejarah lama akan berulang kembali, kandungan puan sama macam tahun lepas.
makngah : kenapa pulak dokter?
doc: air ketuban kurang 5 je. baby awak tak cukup berat.
and bla bla so on so on, bad news, bad story, long story cut short, every single words, explanation, motivation (should i called i counselling?) come out for her mouth like a thunder striking our heart. We feel so down and sad.
I take a look at my dearest eyes during the "khutbah" from the doctor, I see disappointment grew deep inside.
Then the most unacceptable statement came out from the doc jaws is "gen awak tak baik" or in other words "baka tak baik la".
Lain-lain tak payah cerita la.
then i decide to seek second opionion from another doc. we went to an expert o&g from private clinic and once again i asked for ultrasound procedure.
the doc : your baby is normal, the liquid is adequate, i got 12 here (minimum 10) and the baby weight is normal with the age of pregnancy.
sigh. alhamdulilah. makngah smiling again. and what makes the smile more sweet is we going to have a baby boy, the doc show us the "nuts" of the baby.its a boy, 100% boy. we have to shop for babyboy cloth soon.

(ni la gamba 3d yang diambil dokte tu..dapat muke je,jadilah wat penawar ati)
not much to write now. to be continued .....
to mekja, sorry i cant answer to your award because we quite bz lately. muahaha